Great post. I’ve been getting increasingly uncomfortable using Midjourney for things. I like it for ideas, but doesn’t feel right half the time. I’d be interested to see how this lawsuit plays out. You know what it reminds me of? Early days of Napster illegal music downloads. Now we have Spotify, which Napster could have been had the technology and foresight been there. Idk maybe I’m conflating the two, but I’m sure we’ll see more regulation cone along and it’ll be something artists can be compensated for (like instead of streams it’s for every prompt that uses their art style they get a cut?)

I just downloaded Bandcamp last week. Very cool. Loving the indie support of these artists. Thanks for this curated list!!

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Thanks for this. I have very mixed feelings about computer generated "art." Some of the images are really beautiful, and I can see the attraction to them and the possible applications, but at what cost to actual artists and art? I've been curious to try the programs, but I can't bring myself to do it. It feels weirdly like some kind of betrayal. As you say, people probably don't appreciate how much work goes into creating an original work, and this creates the illusion that art can be generated with the press of a button. But all those images are pirated from pieces actual artists labored over--artists who aren't getting credit or payment for their work.

Enjoyed the tunes, especially the Dain Weisner--such a great vibe :-) I'll have to look into Bandcamp!

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